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Landscapes that start conversations

Ogwen Valley Sunrise / Haul yn codi dros Dyffryn Ogwen

This day started a 2:30 am allowing me enough time to travel and hike up Y Garn for an early sunrise. one thing I love about landscape photography is the process, your are never to sure what the weather will do as the sun is about to rise. On the particular morning, sat waiting for the sun to make an appearance, the time came and went and nothing really happened only a dull light through the low cloud, as I started my decent the clouds broke and the sun bursting through lighting up the valley below , luckily my camera was to had ready to capture that moment.

Snowdonia Phone Box/Bwlch Ffôn Eryri

This is one of my favourite images I have taken, This phone box was in a small layby on the A4086 between Capel Curig and Pen y Pass. It was something I had not noticed before, so I had to stop and have a look. I think it must have been placed there for a film/TV film prop, because it was made out of wood and was only there for a few days. The contrast between then phone box and snow capped mountains make nice scene (Y Wyddfa in the background)

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